The Computing and Information Systems Department of the Haifa Municipality has developed an online form for appealing parking reports that allows you to file an appeal on parking reports from home directly on the municipal website. This advanced online service puts the city of Haifa on the internet map in 21st century technologies.
Improving the service for citizens who wish to appeal a parking report
This is a significant improvement in the service for citizens where every citizen who received a parking report from the Haifa municipality can file an appeal on the report from home directly on the municipal website without having to come to the municipality without queuing and without waiting. and provide our residents with a "type and send" level service.
Using the form will make it easier to receive the data, avoid mistakes, solve problems of receiving partially filled forms, and allow adding processes and checks against the municipality's operational system.
The number of people applying in person to the parking authority offices should decrease significantly and in the coming days we will be able to publish to the public the percentage of the decrease in the amount of people applying in person.
Transfer of additional forms in the Haifa municipality to the Internet
Our goal is to transfer all city forms to the level of an electronic form, which guides the person filling out the form while typing, and checks the correctness and validity of the typed information.
A form that is not filled in correctly will not be sent and at the same time the resident will be instructed to correct it.
A correctly typed form will enable its sending by clicking on the send button. The form will be sent directly to the email of the parking department employees with all the attached documents for further processing. It will enable contact with the applying resident by sending a structured and pre-planned email and avoid the need for unnecessary printing and waste of paper and ink.
To submit an appeal form for a parking report, click here
Appeal for payment of fine
Online form to appeal a parking report does not work!
. After filling for an hour and everything is attached. Unable to send.
Why is there no email to send? Public inquiries do not respond to messages. They do not confirm the receipt of an appeal. Check your conduct.
I received a parking report 5583234
Livnat Yosef. 74 years old sick after surgery.
A disabled woman nursing a cancer patient. I brought it in for treatment there at 84 Ha-Atzmaat Street. I thought it was allowed to park in the pedestrian area at the end. There is no parking anywhere. I didn't see a taxi sign. They parked there. I walked with her barely a step to Azmatu 84 from there.
To my amazement I received a report. I fill out an online appeal form. barely. . fills. Everything adds up. medical. At the end of the form it is not possible to send it. why?? How many times already? I forwarded to the public inquiries. Do not confirm receipt of the form. It's stuck! First time getting a report. disabled why?
Yossi. to. . . Thank you 006952253
Hello .. my name is Siloy Bader Tez 311482335 phone 0525449199 report number 62036736 I would like to make a report. I was in Carmel Hospital with my friend, his son "died" and the condition of my wife is very bad!!!!!! And we walked fast, even in two minutes. I parked the car in a normal neighborhood and my friend doesn't have a car.. I went down with a friend. In the parking lot and I received a report I was mistaken!! ..I returned to the car after 3 minutes of receiving a report, I would like to withdraw it... Thanks in advance...
Parking report We stopped the car for a few minutes and there is a disabled tag on the car I was also in the car car number 5525030 car number 67996777 Omer Decker Dina my mother is disabled please understand me please
In honor of the Parking Authority Division - Haifa Municipality
You cannot be reached by phone...on 19.04.2020/481719/3 I received a report on improper parking, report number 8-26.08.2020-XNUMX, I was angry and decided to go to trial. Since I am not on the health line and there is no time to deal with the matter, I paid the report on August XNUMX, XNUMX at the postal bank and cancels my request to be tried. Bringing this to your attention
Only good health
Yitzhak Cohen T.Z. 44207934...vehicle tax 0545393364...please confirm receipt of my message thank you
To all who are interested. Greetings to the Haifa municipality parking and dispute unit..
I'm Mandia Abraham, phone number 59315440, phone number 0523930463, as I am from you, report number 80732027
And the car is stuck. I waited for the mechanic until he arrived. It took several hours until he arrived, and in that time I completed the report.
I am asked to file the report because the vehicle is stuck...
Thanks Marosh