Today (Thursday), the Cyber Department of the State Attorney's Office submitted an indictment to the Kiryat Magistrate's Court against Oren, 21, and Maor, 27, Uziel, residents of Kiryat Ata, for the offenses of harassment, invasion of privacy, prohibited activities in software according to the Computer Law, and other offenses. This, following their establishment , the operation and management of groups in the Telegram application in which intimate photos of hundreds of Israeli women and girls between the ages of 16-43 were distributed.
According to the indictment, filed on By lawyers Itai Gohar and Moran Eshul, the defendants established and managed groups on the application Telegram, where members of the group used to distribute photos and videos of a sexual nature of women and girls Israeliness
These distributions were mostly done Along with a photo from the personal profiles of those women on social networks, which contains the their personal details, and this is to identify them and to prove to the members of the groups that the content is the source The sexual is Israeli women who do not work in the sex industry. In the groups managed by the defendants were Over 6,500 members, who consumed the sexual content distributed in them.
The indictment also describes how The defendants created and managed these dedicated groups, as well as how they created a 'bot' - a utility In the 'Telegram' application - which was used as a repository for photos and movies. By using this bot, The defendants managed to spread the sexual content in a more effective way.
In another charge, it is described how the two defendants had sex with a 16-year-old minor, photographed and recorded the sex without the minor's knowledge and distributed the videos in the Telegram group they managed.
Also attributed in the indictment to the defendants that the two repeatedly and widely distributed an intimate photo of a young woman who gave Evidence in their case.
In the case of the accused Oren Uziel, the indictment even attributes to him crimes of impeachment and threats, by threatening a young woman In order to motivate her from testifying at the police regarding his actions.
Simultaneously with the filing of the indictment, The prosecutor's office submitted a request for detention until the end of the legal proceedings against Oren Uziel, and a request for detention House and removal from the Internet until the end of the proceedings against his brother, Maor Uziel.
The investigation in this case was ongoing by the cyber division of the Tel Aviv District Court, and in the framework of it, additional people involved, those responsible, were arrested To manage additional Telegram groups dedicated to publishing sexual content of Israeli girls or to publish content in these groups. The prosecutor's office intends to decide the cases of those involved the others in the near future.
In the Cyber Department of the State Attorney's Office, we noted:
This case led to an unprecedented exposure of a criminal enterprise for the distribution of intimate content without the consent of the women photographed. In January 2014, it was decided to amend the law for the prevention of sexual harassment and establish a unique offense of publishing a photograph, film or recording of a person, focusing on his sexuality, without his consent. After the amendment of the legislation, the state attorney's directive regarding this offense was published, and it shows that the attorney's office takes the aforementioned criminal phenomenon seriously, especially when it is a matter of publication on a considerable scale involving hundreds of victims as in the current case.