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They warned us years ago, but we didn't listen.

Watch out: a big zahron on the beaches of Haifa • Motti Mendelson is an underwater researcher and photographer

On Saturday at noon I received a report from lifeguards from Dado Haifa beach, about a strange fish about thirty meters from the beach. After a bather spotted it and luckily didn't touch it, the fish lay on its back and tried to stand up. A phenomenon which is common during this period in stingray fish (the locus fish) and they are thrown ashore. I asked my fellow rescuers to keep him in a bucket and I'll be there in minutes.

Zaharon Godol on the beaches of Haifa (Photo: Motti Mendelson)
Zaharon Godol on the beaches of Haifa (Photo: Motti Mendelson)

It turned out that it was a large yellowfin fish, a Sufi sea, that entered the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. The size of the fish is over forty cm, almost to its maximum size, half a meter.

In the last two or three years there have been reports of Zaharonim in Cyprus, Rosh Hankara, Achziv and Nahariya. But they were observed at depths of over ten meters outside the range of the bathers in the sea. This is the first time I meet Beharon in Haifa close to the beach and another one of this size. There is a reasonable chance that we will soon see more details of this fish.

Zahron, located on the shores of Haifa (Photo: Motti Mendelson)
Zahron, located on the shores of Haifa (Photo: Motti Mendelson)

What is the haharon fish and why is it important to know about it?

The hahron belongs to the Akrabnoni family, which are part of a large family (the stone fish or the abnon, zharorites and scorpion fish. The hahron is also known as the sun fish or the lion fish. This is a species of the hahron, very poisonous and dangerous to humans. The poison is injected into the person through long and sharp spines, in case It's ten centimeters.

Zaharon - long and needle-sharp spikes, in this case ten cm (photo: Motti Mendelson)
Zaharon - long and needle-sharp spikes, in this case ten cm (photo: Motti Mendelson)

The venom causes a strong pain rated as ten out of ten

The initial treatment to relieve the pain is to soak the affected area in warm water. Anyway, Contact a medical professional for supervision.
The hot water breaks down the fish venom which consists of protein, which has a high specific gravity and lowers the pain level to ten percent. From personal experience and investigation of dozens of victims, ice is never used for the injuries of poisonous sea creatures!

Zaharon Hador (Photo: Motti Mendelson)
Zaharon Hador (Photo: Motti Mendelson)

The sharks are slow fish and have fascinating fishing methods. They put their prey between the fins and with the help of a huge mouth that opens forward, it sucks its victim.

Zaharon fish found on the beaches of Haifa (photo: Motti Mendelson)
Zaharon fish found on the beaches of Haifa (photo: Motti Mendelson)

The best suggestion: do not approach this fish or touch it, even if it is lying on the beach.

Venom is destruction!

When it comes to fish there are three types that are the most dangerous to humans

  1. Avnon - the stone fish
  2. The daunting blueberry
  3. Zaharonim

We will continue to enjoy our beautiful beaches safely.

Finished a good signature • Motty Mendelson – marine explorer

Zaharon fish found on the beaches of Haifa (photo: Motti Mendelson)
Zaharon fish found on the beaches of Haifa (photo: Motti Mendelson)
Thorns of the Zaharon fish found on the beaches of Haifa (Photo: Motti Mendelson)
Thorns of the Zaharon fish found on the beaches of Haifa (Photo: Motti Mendelson)
Moti and Zaharon found on the beaches of Haifa (photo: Moti Mendelson)
Moti and Zaharon found on the beaches of Haifa (photo: Moti Mendelson)

contact: At watsapBy email

Motty Mendelssohn
Motty Mendelssohn
Marine researcher (diving, underwater photography) and marine and environmental ecology for 35 years. Lecturer in the field for about 20 years. You can order a lecture, or a series of lectures accompanied by unique and spectacular photos, taken during many years of research, in Israel and abroad, ecological tours within Israel and tours of the Dead Sea sinkholes • 050-7271157 • [email protected]

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26 תגובות

  1. Steve Irwin who was an explorer and filmmaker died when a Trigon swimming below him injected a poisoned arrow into his heart.

  2. And now there are also poisonous fish, jellyfish, but the pollution of the beaches is the most dangerous

    • Hi Guy.
      This fish is protected. But it is in Israel only in Eilat, as soon as it invades the Mediterranean Sea, it is an invader that threatens the balance in nature and must be eliminated.
      Growing this fish at home is very dangerous... and there have been quite a few cases of these fish breeders needing hospital treatment.
      The Zaharoni invasion is a problem not only in Israel... and they don't know how to eliminate it.

  3. Is the venom itself only painful or are there other synaptoms and is it dangerous to a person's life?

    • Hi Elad
      This fish is considered one of the most dangerous fish in the world.
      In rare cases, this fish can cause death, depending on the location of the injury, the amount of venom that will be injected and the body's reaction to the injury.
      Apart from the intense pain, confusion, drop in blood pressure, disconnection from the environment and arrhythmias may appear.
      Heat treatment helps a lot, but you need to get medical treatment for any injury.
      I speak from personal experience, and also from interviewing dozens of victims.

    • Moti as one who raised saltwater fish this fish is considered one of the most beautiful in such tanks
      Interesting and why are they given the option to catch them alive and keep them..
      In the past it was considered a protected fish
      But today they just want to kill him

  4. Motti, you are simply great, there is no need for you in the world number 1 cannon, don't keep conquering the sea, keep bringing us stories of the great sea, thank you very much, your a big fan

  5. You are extremely lucky. Usually when you touch this fish and by chance a big fish full of venom. It spreads its fins and attacks. The worst thing is to pull his tail. The animal interprets this as a threat and defends itself with an attack. And in this case, the act could have ended badly.

    • Hello, what are the consequences of harming a fish in this?
      Can it end in death?

    • Hi Zohar
      Deaths are very rare. But if someone is hit close to the heart...which doesn't happen, then yes he may die. Don't worry...don't touch, don't get hurt.

  6. Greetings.
    I am the bather who took out the hahron. The first encounter was far from the coast. I also grabbed him by the tail to check for animals or if he was real and then he woke up and started swimming.
    The fish was not on its back but in a normal fish position.
    Yigal 0544574499

    • Hey, Red. A. The fish is dying. B. They don't return invasive species to the sea, and certainly not the sea urchins, which are a universal scourge.
      They cause enormous damage to the ecosystem, to the economy of the sea.. because it has no enemies
      And the last thing we would want is harm to the dear residents.

    • Hi Rose.
      The fish is dying. And they don't return invasive fish to the sea and certainly not zohrons. This fish has almost no enemies and it multiplies quickly.
      It is a universal blow and causes economic damage.
      I don't want to think that our dear residents will be harmed at all.

  7. Very interesting and useful must be advertised among beach bathers.
    Happy New Year

    • Appropriate advertising will increase the level of awareness and the accompanying caution... it starts with you, Muti, who enlightens our eyes... a professional

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