Green Haifa Bay:
Israel Land Authority plan - Rami
(The full presentation is later in the article)
The Gulf Gate project "Innovation Valley" led by the Israel Land Authority was presented last night (Thursday 19/9/19) at the Environmental Quality and Sustainability Committee of the Haifa Municipality with the participation of the project planners, environmental organizations and activists, architects and residents. This is a project whose goal is to clean up the environmental pollution and eliminate the risks arising from the existing situation. Reversing the demographic trends and attracting young populations from all over the country. Strengthening economic development in the Haifa district in general and the city of Haifa in particular. Creating a development center and innovation hub on a global scale. Creating jobs and strengthening the status of the district and the city of Haifa at the national and international level. All this by connecting the city to the sea and establishing boulevards, promenades, cafes and restaurants, something that will lead to sea tourism and make businesses prosper.
Innovation Valley - residential and commercial instead of a petrochemical industry:
The skeleton plan that was presented covers an area of about 36,000 dunams, of which about 14,500 dunams are intended for the construction of about 80,000 - 100,000 housing units. About 6000 dunams are earmarked for employment and commerce, about 9200 dunams are known for open spaces, of which about 7000 are for a metropolitan park and about 2200 for open spaces. This is a plan that is planned to integrate with the existing while applying the term city that embraces nature.
The planning of the first two complexes has begun and will be presented in February 2020:
The project is divided into ten complexes that will allow implementation in stages. In the initial phase, two complexes are being developed in the sea area and in the Yagor Junction area. Planning works for the two complexes should be completed in February. The plan must be approved by the government and its implementation will take years, but it is a process and a vision that seems like a dream but a dream that can come true.
Baruch Barkov, director of the "Gate of the Gulf" project, in a face-to-face interview about the goals of the project: "The goal of the project is to clean Haifa Bay, to clear it of the polluting factories and to develop neighborhoods that will be the future and the gateway to the entire northern region and there will be an economic model that we are working on. This economic model will create high-level jobs in place of the jobs that will disappear from this area and it will create an economic model that the local authorities They will be able to live off it and not put them into deficits."
Baruch Barkov, director of the "Gate of the Gulf" project, in an interview with Lahi Pa about the vision of the project: "Currently, a skeleton plan has been prepared in collaboration with the district committee and in coordination with the district committee, but in order for this project to be launched with full force, we need a government decision. At the moment, it is impossible. I hope it will happen soon. Until then, the Israel Land Authority, which is leading this project, has opened and invited two job offers for the second Complexes each of 10,000 housing units and thousands of meters of employment, one in the seaside area and one in the Yagur junction area. There are two planning teams working and we hope that within two years the plans will be valid.
Prof. Avital Gazit from Tel Aviv University came especially to convey a message to the residents of the Haifa metropolis: "The entire planning issue and issue of this project was done for the public and the public has every right to stand up for itself and demand all the right things to be done for it. Many mistakes were made here in the past without being blamed, at the time they didn't know enough, but today we know more. Therefore plans that take into account All environmental aspects are a necessity. I mean the bottom line is that we are not doing anyone a favor, it is the necessity of reality that requires change and the change connects with what the people of the environment want so much, connects with nature and preserves nature."
The chairman of the environmental quality and sustainability committee of the Haifa municipality, attorney Sharit Golan said at the meeting:
"This evening is exciting because the people who created the "Innovation Valley" project changed the equation of our long-standing environmental struggle. And the meaning of this formula turned our struggle into a real struggle that more and more people can believe in and with this program that breathes hope and light."
The Innovation Valley - Gate of the Gulf program in its entirety for your reference

Kudos to the partners for creating this article. This is documentation for the public's participation in substantive discussion while adhering to the public's requirements as well as the rules of etiquette. It is important to encourage the project and send power to the mayors of the municipality, the planning ministry and its people. It is important to emphasize that it is necessary to plan a solution to the problem of immigration from Haifa by planning apartments for young people born in Haifa.. employment for them while planning infrastructure for small businesses. And while placing emphasis on solutions for the age of 65++, for example planning apartments with an attached parents' apartment or apartments and grants for the next generation of young Haifa and military veterans. Or a Leumi apartment that dedicates itself to the community and deserves compensation and affirmative action. ! And a special thanks to the mayor Einat Kalish Ritam for her efforts to remove the pollutants and innovative developments.