For months residents of Ramat Eshkol acted against the establishment of a school in the neighborhood and today they happily received the municipality's announcement that the school will be established in Vardia and not in Ramat Eshkol. In the Verdia neighborhood, the opinions regarding the establishment of the school are rather divided.
Today Lahi Fe learned that the municipality made a decision to build a new elementary school in the Vardia neighborhood. In the announcement that was published, it was stated that the municipality looked into the possibility of establishing a new elementary school in the Ahuza neighborhood, and it was decided that there is more need for a school in the Verdia neighborhood than in Ramat Eshkol. It should be noted that in the past year residents of the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood waited for the decision of the municipality and the Ministry of Education and began to initiate a move, the purpose of which was to prevent the establishment of a school in the neighborhood. According to residents of Ramat Eshkol, the neighborhood does not have such an amount of children that justifies the opening of a school with 18 classes, and if such a school were established, it would serve students from neighborhoods close to Ramat Eshkol and not the residents of the neighborhood.
At Ramat Eshkol they objected
It should be noted that alongside residents of Ramat Eshkol who were very opposed to the opening of the school and claimed that the residents of the neighborhood are still affected by the traffic jams on Avraham Winschel (Freud) Street and drivers who enter the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood, in order to shorten the traffic jam and block the neighborhood, there were also residents who thought that an elementary school within The neighborhood could benefit from it. In some cases, the residents' position was derived from the proximity of the school to that resident's private home. Those who were at the forefront of the struggle argued that the residents should work together to prevent the establishment of the school, since each neighborhood faces a variety of struggles over the years and each time a different group of residents is the victim, but only if all the residents of the neighborhood show solidarity in each of the struggles, the quality of life in the neighborhood is kept
New construction on the slopes of Verdia
Today in the groups of residents of Verdia one could see anger that the residents of Ramat Eshkol fought to prevent the establishment of the school and the municipality decided not to establish the school in the neighborhood. According to the municipality, the decision in which neighborhood in the estate to place the new school was made in light of the expected number of students in each of the neighborhoods and because of the construction on the slopes of Vardia, seven inhabitants, many new residents are expected to arrive in the neighborhood in the coming years, whose children will need a school.
The residents want public participation
A number of Bordia residents said today that decisions are not made with public participation and they would be happy to give their opinion on the need for an elementary school in the neighborhood. In contrast, the father of a 3-year-old girl who lives at the entrance to the neighborhood, was very happy to hear about the intention to establish a school and said that he hopes his daughter in 3 years will be able to walk to school in the neighborhood.
It should be noted that today the students from Ramat Eshkol study at the Ahuza school (Zikhron Yosef), and there is great satisfaction among the parents and students with the way the new principal Anat Daniel runs the school. The students who live in the Vardia neighborhood study at the Ehud school.
I would love to know when the construction of the school in the Verdia neighborhood is expected to begin. Thanks