13-year-old Yair Whitson, a resident of Haifa, found a 1,800-year-old ring in Carmel

(Archaeology Lives Here) A ring about 1,800 years old, on which an engraving...

A fire in the Carmel forests at this time ► Video

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The end of dog feces on Haifa sidewalks? A genetic pool as a solution to the problem

(Hai Pa) - The Knesset approved this week (Tuesday 23/7/24) the...

A car explosion in the Halisa neighborhood in Haifa

The Israel Police informed Lahi Fe: this morning, 25/7/24, around 07:17...
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Huge flats of Perna Perna oysters have been discovered in Haifa Bay

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The abductees will be released only after the left comes to power • Uri Lev's opinion

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An exciting Passover ceremony was held in the refugee camp • The ship 'Exodus' ► Watch

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Ruthie Segal • Goddess of the fruitfulness of creation • Haifa painter and curator

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The installation of the first columns of the "Rabbit" in Haifa has begun

The Yaffe Nof company has begun placing the first pillars of the "Rabbit" in Haifa, which will be integrated into the public transportation system of the Haifa metropolis and which will be used for the first time in Israel, as an additional means of public transportation alongside the buses, the train and the subway.

The "cable car" that will be inaugurated in the middle of next year will connect the largest transportation center in Haifa, the Bay Center, with the Technion and Haifa University and will carry up to 2,400 passengers per hour in each direction, and will allow all passengers to enjoy all the exemptions and discounts granted with the Rav Ko card.

The length of the cable car route, which has been nicknamed "the cable car", is 4.4 kilometers, and will include six stations, of which three passenger stations will be used by the public, at the Gulf Central Station, at the Technion and Haifa University, and three operational stations at the Check Post intersection, on Dori Road and at the Technion. The cable car is expected to be inaugurated in the middle of next year (2020).

As part of the works carried out by the Ministry of Transportation through the Yaffe Nof company, 36 steel poles will be placed along the route, which will be mounted on underground concrete bases. The height of the columns ranges from 4-30 meters depending on the topography and the environment. The difference in height between the main station of the Gulf and Haifa University is about 460 meters.

Israel Katz - Minister of Transportation and Intelligence (photo - Yaron Karmi)

Minister of Transport and Intelligence, Israel Katz: "The cable car, which will be an integral part of the public transportation system in Haifa, will significantly improve accessibility to the Technion and the University of Haifa and will encourage tens of thousands of students and academics to prefer public transportation, at the expense of their private cars. It will also ease the parking shortage on the campuses and on the streets adjacent to them, as well as the traffic congestion On the main thoroughfares, on Mount Carmel, 10-passenger carriages will move along the axis, with a carriage leaving every 15 seconds from each station. The journey time on the route from the Gulf Center to the Technion is approximately 10 minutes, and an additional 9 minutes from the Technion to Haifa University. The carriages will be accessible to those with disabilities. System The cable car will be operated with 76 cars, which will carry up to 2,400 passengers per hour, in each direction, at the same time."

He also added: "The cable car project will be integrated into the public transportation system of the Haifa metropolis and will allow all cable car passengers (retirees, those with disabilities, students and teenagers) to benefit from all the exemptions and discounts granted on other means of public transportation. Along with this, passengers will be able to use all accepted means of payment on public transportation, including Rav Ko, "monthly leave" and "student leave".

CEO of Yaffe Nof, Avishai Cohen: "During the period of the works, which will last only about two years, there is no expected disruption to the daily life of the residents along the construction route. This is due to construction at a height, when disruptions to traffic or changes in traffic arrangements will be accompanied by updates in advance."


The cable car (photo by the Ministry of Transportation)
The cable car (photo by the Ministry of Transportation)


Contact Chai here: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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