The International Holocaust Day ceremony took place today (Sunday, 27/01/19) at Yad Yad for Survivors in Kiryat Hesed of the Yad Ezer Association for a Friend in Haifa.
Over two thousand guests frequented the complex. Among them, hundreds of Holocaust survivors and residents of the shelter of the Yad Ezer Association, alongside members of the security forces, police and army officers, dozens of soldiers, volunteers, public figures and many guests came to take part in the memorial ceremony at the "Yad for Survivors" plaza.
The students of the Yizralia and Kfar Galim schools entertained with singing, this year's International Holocaust Day ceremony was produced by Inbal Alankoh, who worked and struggled a lot for the success of the event as a full volunteer. The ceremony was moderated by veteran radio announcer Menachem Perry.
"The b.d.s organization works vigorously all over the world. Its activists demand that we be boycotted. They threaten, they whip against Israeli companies that are considered to be the most advanced in the world"
This is what the CEO and founder of the Yad Ezer association told a friend, Shimon Sebag, at the main ceremony commemorating International Holocaust Day held in Haifa. "I remind everyone that in the 1930s it began with boycotts and excommunication and ended with the Holocaust of the Jewish people"
All over the world today (27/1/2019) commemorated International Holocaust Day. On this day, the world marks 74 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp. This year's ceremony was held in the presence of the Minister of Construction and Housing - Member of the Knesset - Yifat Shasha Biton, Deputy Minister Yaron Mazuz, Justice Tali Ploskov, Judith Schwartz, Deputy Mayor - Attorney David Etzioni. The previous mayor, Mr. Yona Yahav, Michael Malchali and dozens more were present Members of Knesset from all shades of the political spectrum in Israel, along with ambassadors and consuls from around the world.
The Minister of Construction and Housing MK Yifat Shasha Biton said during the ceremony: "On the day we decided to take our fate into our own hands, we decided on our own to make sure that such a disaster will never happen again. Anti-Semitism still rears its head in many countries of the world, especially in Europe. The blind hatred still exists. It is our duty to continue to educate and to continue to remember, and this is the responsibility we have every day and every hour."
MK Shuli Moalem Rafali added: "In these days of increasing anti-Semitism all over the world, we all have to think. This is the responsibility that rests on us. We have to stand up to all the neo-Nazi parties that exist all over the world that are trying to intensify the hatred against the Jewish people and the State of Israel."
Deputy Minister Yaron Mazuz: "This day is extraordinary. It is a great day that we should all be reminded that we must not forget all the suffering and horrors that all the survivors went through. It is our duty to remember this, not only today but throughout the year. Anyone who can and wants to join the life work of Shimon Sebag, the executive director of the association A helping hand to a blessed friend."
The most important people in the ceremony will of course be the hundreds of Holocaust survivors, among them the 100 residents of the Yad Ezer Hevret hot house. The flame of the torch at the "Yad Lathavil" memorial was lit this year by 3 Holocaust survivors who were residents of the hot house. All three are kissing the centenary. Meanwhile, it should be noted that at the end of the ceremony, the guests were invited to visit and tour the "Holocaust Museum" that was recently inaugurated in the association's premises.
Shimon Sebag, the CEO and founder of the association "Yad Ezer Habev", chose to address what he considers very problematic at this time. The BDS organization "On this day I have to address something that hurts me and many like me. And these are the b.d.s people who work vigorously all over the world and unfortunately also in Israel under one guise or another. They demand that we be boycotted on the economic and business level."
Shimon also added: "They threaten, they whip against Israeli companies that are considered to be the most advanced in the world. The members of the b.d.s. The Gestapo began imposing orders of a total boycott against everything Jewish or connected to the Jewish people. It began with boycotts and excommunication and ended with the Holocaust of the Jewish people. Let's stop it now!!!
The Yad Ezer association helped a neighbor, in Beit HaHam, in Kiryat HaHesed, which it established, close to a hundred Holocaust survivors. She takes care of hot meals for several hundred Holocaust survivors, every day she helps the needy, provides support and assistance to the homeless and single mothers, to cancer patients and to many in need.
Ya'akov of the Young Guard gave an emotional closing speech: "Thanks to you we are here and thanks to you we have a country, you are the ones that the country betrayed you. The number 1100412 was stamped by the hand of my father Zaek Yaakov. The man (my father) did not speak on 9/1/1945. My father went to the parade Death and on this day my first grandchild was born, we won they lost, we exist and they pay money.
The State of Israel should and is obligated to leave the funds that are in all the funds in all the places where the money is hidden and bring it to the welfare of the people who sit here those who suffered
Those whose families were exterminated and then won.
Shlomo Yehuda is my father, he is my father, and he did not get to see my grandson. Uriah Nino won. I put this in the heads of all of you, the living and breathing people of Israel.